(Sibiu - România)

Ateliere de Ştiinţă: viermi negru



Laboratorijski pripomočki

-kalupi za izdelavo tablete (odrezane škatlice za film, plastenke, jogurtovi lončki …)


-kovinski pladenj

-lesena trska


Laboratory instruments

-models to make a tablet (cut off boxes for a film, plastic bottles, yoghurt cups ...)


-a beaker (a glass or plastic cup)

-a metal tray

-a wood splinter


Reagenti (kemikalije)

-soda bikarbona, NaHCO3(s)


-etanol, C2H5OH(aq)






Reagents (chemicals)

-bicarbonate of soda, 



-very fine sand

Zaščitna oprema



-zaščitna očala

Protective equipment


-an overall

-protective glasses (blinkers)



Potek dela: The course of work:



· Pripravimo zmes 100 g sladkorja in 12 g sode bikarbone.


- We prepare the mixture of 100 g of sugar and 12 g of bicarbonate of soda.


· Zmesi dodamo toliko etanola, da dobimo lepljivo maso, ki ne teče.

- We add the mixture as much of ethanol to get sticky mass which doesn’t flow.

· Naredimo tableto tako da zmes napolnimo v kalup.

· Kalup odstranimo in tableto posušimo.


- We make a tablet so that we fill up the model with the mixture.

- We remove the model and dry up the tablet.

· V posodo, ki je odporna proti ognju natresemo mivko.

· Mivko namočimo z etanolom.

· Etanol naj se vpije v mivko. Na mivki ne sme biti lužic.

· Od količine mivke je odvisen čas gorenja, od tega pa velikost kače.

· Posodo z mivko položimo na ognjevarno podlago.

· Suho tableto položimo na mivko, prepojeno z etanolom in z leseno trsko prižgemo etanol.


- We shake down the fine sand into the fire- resistant dish.

- We soak the fine sand with ethanol.

- The fine sand must absorb the ethanol. There mustn’t be any puddles on the fine sand.

- The time of burning depends on the amount of the fine sand and depending on all this is the size of a snake.

- We put the dish with the fine sand on the fire-resistant base.

We put the dry tablet on the fine sand, soaked with ethanol and then we light the ethanol with a wood splinter.


Razlaga:  Explanation:




· Iz tablete v plamenih gorečega etanola prične rasti črna kača.

· Zaradi visoke temperature sladkor v tableti ogleni, soda bikarbona pa razpada na natrijev karbonat, vodno paro in ogljikov dioksid.

· Plin napihuje oglje v lahko porozno maso, ki spominja na kače.




- From the tablet in flames of the burning ethanol a black snake starts arising.

- Because of high temperature the sugar in the tablet is carbonizing, meanwhile the bicarbonate of soda is decaying into sodium carbonate, water vapour and carbon dioxide.

- Gas is blowing up the charcoal into light porous mass, looking like snakes.


Nevarnosti:  Attention:




· Pazimo, da se ne opečemo

· Vse gorljive snovi in etanol umaknemo na varno razdaljo, predno prižgemo etanol v mivki

· Nikoli ne dolivamo alkohola med eksperimentom.

· Nikoli ne dolivamo alkohola na vročo mivko.

· Nosimo zaščitna očala in haljo.



- We must be careful that we don’t get burned.

- We remove all the flammable substances to a safe distance before we light the ethanol in the fine sand.

- We never add alcohol by pouring during the experiment.

- We never add alcohol on the hot fine sand.

-We wear protective glasses and an overall.



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